The death of a Japanese tourist at a waterfall near the city of Cairns has prompted questions about the signs posted warning people about the risks of swimming in the area.

It’s believed that the man, who was 20 years old at the time of his death, jumped off a ledge. He didn’t surface after he went to the water.

Divers were able to find the body of the man at around 6 pm on Monday. It’s believed that the tourist had been swimming at the top portion of the waterfall, which is a no-swim zone.

This is the second death at the Crystal Cascades waterfall this year. It’s a popular spot for tourists and locals.

A man died in 2014 after he fell over the waterfall’s edge. In April, two men died after they were discovered in the water near the waterfall.

According to local councillor Brett Moller, something must be done to prevent people from going to the area and ignoring the warnings about the dangers of swimming at the waterfall.

Recent heavy rainfall and flooding have caused the Crystal Cascades to become more dangerous for swimmers. This was exacerbated by Cyclone Japser.

Despite the numerous warnings posted around the area, many people still don’t understand the message.

According to the councilor, despite the natural beauty of the area, such as the waterfall, the rising level of the water and the fast-flowing currents are some of the factors that can cause people to get in trouble.

The council is trying to get the message out to the public about the risks associated with swimming in the area’s natural swimming holes. It’s hoped that by implementing a safety audit program, it will prevent people from ignoring the warnings.

After conducting a safety audit at the nearby Babinda Boulders, which has already claimed the lives of 21 individuals, the council decided to install graphic illustrations designed to educate the public about the risks of swimming in the area.

According to the councilor, the new signs are working well so far, and people are starting to understand the warning signs.

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