The owner of the social media account that featured a friendly staffy and a feisty magpie decided to take it down following the controversy over the similar Peggy and Molly page.

According to Jason, who runs the Navy and Stu page on TikTok, he decided to leave the platform due to his desire to be left alone.

According to Jason, he decided to leave the platform due to his desire to be left alone.

On Wednesday, he told Yahoo News that he received a lot of messages from the public about his content.

One of the most unsettling messages that people sent him was the image of the magpie with a clipped wing.

Many people have speculated that the bird’s wings were intentionally cut to prevent it from flying away.

However, Jason insists that the procedure was done out of compassion. He claims that the vet initially thought the bird was attacked by cats.

Despite the amount of views his videos have received, the 41-year-old said he felt uneasy about the public spotlight.

He said he was always concerned about what people would say about his content.

On Thursday, Jason removed most of the popular videos from his TikTok account. Three of them showed how his dog became acquainted with the juvenile magpie. In another video, the dog was seen on its own. According to Jason the staffy is free to roam and is not allowed inside.

Like the Molly and Peggy page, the staffy-magpie interaction usually occurs at lunchtime. The videos posted on the TikTok account date back to February and March. According to Jason, the bird rarely visits the house anymore.

At first, it was posted at 12 o’clock, but it has since become almost every second or third day. He claims that he doesn’t encourage the interaction between the wild bird and his pet. He also says that the pair have become too friendly. One particular incident happened when the magpie bit the dog.

He decided not to post new videos since it was initially captivating. He said that the TikTok account had not been monetized and that he only posted the content because he found it interesting.

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