Friday, September 20

A barber shop was forced to issue an apology after it was revealed that it charged more for services for kids with special needs due to a sign that it put up.

The Ranya Salon’s owner was furious at how the sign differentiated between kids with and without special needs.

The incident was captured on camera and quickly spread across social media, with some users calling the pricing “disgusting” and “ignorance.”

The owner of the shop then apologized and noted that the sign was a misunderstanding, and he would like to explain what he meant by this.

I treat everybody the same. I don’t discriminate against individuals with special needs.

The owner of the shop claims that the price displayed on the sign has been in place for a long time.

He says that no special needs children have been charged that much.

In addition, he noted that the $5 was charged to help cover the costs of the service, which was not related to any disability.

He said that this would be taken away soon. The additional fee was charged due to the length of time it took for him to cut hair.

Many of the customers who responded to the post didn’t like the apology.

They called the shop’s decision to charge extra for the services of children with special needs offensive and unacceptable.

They also stated that the people working at the salon have no right to be around children.

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