Wednesday, October 9

The cast of the Broadway musical “9 to 5” paid tribute to Luke Lynch, an Australian actor who unexpectedly died earlier this month, during the opening night of the show.

Lynch was originally cast as Dick in the show, which was made famous by Dolly Parton.

Dean Caines, Lynch’s partner, said the actor’s sudden death had affected his family and friends.

The Rockdale Musical Society also released a statement regarding Lynch’s death.

The organization noted that the actor was a dear friend and a cast mate.

The members of the musical society will pay tribute to Lynch during the show’s opening night.

They will place his hat on stage and display a photo of him from his past role.

In addition, Mr. Caines is organizing a fundraising campaign to help cover the mounting expenses related to his partner’s sudden death.

In his fundraising page, Mr. Caines asked his friends and family to help him by donating to the cause.

He said that Lynch was loved by many people, and the support he received has been overwhelming.

According to Ms. Caines, he wanted to celebrate his partner’s life in the best possible way.

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