Saturday, September 21

A Kmart item that retails for $29 sparked a frenzy after shoppers noted that it was the ideal stand-in for a more costly item.

One user noted that the store’s telescopic shower caddy could serve as a plant stand.

The user noted that she saw the item and wondered if anyone would use it for their plants.

Other members of the group noted that the caddy looked similar to an Urban Jungle plant stand, which costs $145.

One user noted that she has been using the item for over a year now. She said that it was great for hanging plants and climbing plants.

Another user claimed that they have two of the item, though they advised against putting too much weight on it.

One user stated that she found the item very useful as it was placed in her bathroom.

Others said that they prefer the Urban Jungle model, which is better quality.

However, another user noted that the price difference between the two products was a false economy.

They noted that they have both the Urban Jungle model and the Kmart product.

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