Friday, September 20

In response to the increasing popularity of the self-checkout line, Target is reinstating its policy that will limit the number of items that customers can purchase through this method.

If the number of items exceeds the maximum limit, the customers will have to use the human cashiers.

 The company said that it will begin implementing the new system in its stores next month.

In order to avoid this, customers will have to use a human cashier when making purchases.

The company’s new lanes will be implemented at about 2,000 of its stores.

The change comes after a trial period, during which the self-checkout lanes were tested in 200 of its outlets.

Many retailers, such as Target, heavily invested in self-checkout lanes during the pandemic to help minimize the spread of the virus and save on labor costs.

But studies have revealed that this method can encourage theft. Some customers are still souring on this method, with a study by Drexel University stating that people are more loyal to stores that have human cashiers.

Customers are at risk due to the installation of skimming devices in the lanes of supermarkets and other retailers.

Target will also add more staff members in its checkout lanes to help speed up transactions.

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