Luka Huddle, a two-year-old boy, was reportedly helping his grandmother and mother clean their horses when he disappeared.

His body was discovered in a dam near Geelong on Tuesday evening. It’s believed that the child wandered away from the property at around 5.30 pm.

Luka is believed to have run away with their puppy named Poppy.

The two women immediately called the police after searching the property.

The puppy was spotted in the bush near the dam, which prompted more panic.

Luka was eventually found unresponsive by the police.

His grandmother, Sharon, fought with the law enforcers to get a closer look at her grandson’s corpse.

She said she wanted to say goodbye to him. A fundraising page has been established to help the family.

Luka was described as a beautiful and energetic little boy on the page. He was often full of life and energy.

In May, the family had a gathering at the home of his grandparents, Sharon and Karin, where they shared the joy and love of their family.

The police are currently investigating the incident and will provide a report to the coroner.

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