Wednesday, September 25

Temperatures are expected to drop across southeast Australia this weekend as a cold front passes through the region.

The weather bureau warned of frost conditions in parts of Queensland and Tasmania.

On Tuesday, Sydney experienced its lowest recorded temperature of 8.1 degrees Celsius.

In Sydney, temperatures are expected to reach around 14 degrees Celsius over the weekend, with a chance of rain on both days.

In the south, temperatures are expected to fall below zero degrees in some areas.

Melbourne is expected to experience a low of 5 degrees Celsius on Saturday and Sunday due to mostly cloudy weather and light winds.

Temperatures in the nation’s capital, Canberra, are predicted to fall to -1 degrees Celsius on Sunday.

They’ll then rise to 13 degrees Celsius over the next couple of days.

The weather bureau warned that the city could experience low temperatures of up to -3 degrees Celsius until next Tuesday.

In nearby Brisbane, which is expected to enjoy sunny weather throughout the weekend, the high temperature is expected to reach 23 degrees Celsius.

In Tasmania, the city of Hobart was predicted to experience low temperatures of up to 6 degrees Celsius over the weekend.

It’s also expected to receive up to 7mm of rain on Sunday.

In Adelaide, the weather bureau noted that the city could get drenched with up to 8mm of rain on Friday.

In Perth, the weather agency warned that the city could get hit with up to 7mm of rain on Saturday.

The weather conditions that affected the start of the winter season for Australia’s snow resorts in Victoria and New South Wales are expected to continue throughout the weekend.

According to the BOM, there could be a dusting of snow at elevations of over 1100 meters in the Snowy Mountains over the course of the weekend.

The weather conditions were expected to bring snow to the Mount Hotham resort area over the weekend.

On Thursday, Perisher reported that it received a dusting of snow.

Many of the country’s snow resorts were also pushing their snowmaking efforts ahead of the upcoming holiday season.

In a statement, the Hotham Alpine Resort said its staff members were working around the clock to make snow.

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