Tuesday, September 24

In a live segment on Tuesday, Natalie Barr, the host of the Australian morning show Sunrise, revealed that she had been diagnosed with skin cancer. She urged viewers to make sure that their skin is checked regularly.

The veteran presenter said that she had been experiencing a skin problem for around two years.

After going to the dermatologist, Barr was informed that she had skin cancer.

She noted that it was very treatable and that it was detected early enough.

According to her, around 90 percent of skin cancer cases can be cured if they are detected early enough.

Using AI technology, the doctor was able to identify and treat her skin condition without surgery.

During her visit to the dermatologist, Barr had her three-millimetre skin lesion checked using a special device known as a Spectrascope.

The results of the test indicated that she had cancer.

A biopsy revealed that she had skin cancer, she said. The good news is that the disease was caught early enough, and it could be treated without surgery.

Barr noted that her skin was initially treated with light therapy and a type of cream.

Barr said that she felt shocked by the news.

She noted that millions of Australians have skin cancer, and it makes one think about their own health.

She also said that many people think that they should have skin cancer checks, but it has been a long time since they have done so.

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