Tuesday, September 24

A woman who claimed that her mother’s doctor failed to prevent her from being born with a serious spinal condition has been awarded millions of dollars in damages.

According to The Sun, showjumper Evie Toombes, who was born with the defect known as spina bifida, spends up to 24 hours a day in a tube.

In her lawsuit against Dr. Philip Mitchell, 20-year-old Toombes claimed that he failed to advise her mother about taking folic acid supplements during her pregnancy.

She stated that if Mitchell had told her mother, she would have probably put off getting pregnant.

This would have prevented Evie from being born. On Wednesday, a judge in London ruled in favor of Toombes and awarded her with a huge payout.

According to the Daily Mail, the judge, who was named as Rosalind Coe, stated that if her mother had been provided with the correct advice, she would have been able to delay her pregnancy and give birth to a healthy child.

According to Toombes’ lawyers, the exact amount she was awarded has not been calculated, but it is likely to be a huge sum due to the cost of her care needs.

Her mother also stated that if Mitchell had told her about taking folic acid supplements, she would have put off getting pregnant.

She said she was told that she would not need to take folic acid if she had a good diet.

The judge’s ruling, which is regarded as a groundbreaking one, allows healthcare professionals to be held liable for the improper advice they provide before conceiving a child.

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