Tuesday, September 24

Levi Tracy, 19, from Perth, Western Australia, died on Tuesday morning after a long battle with cancer. He was first diagnosed when he was seven years old.

He was able to beat the disease for two and a quarter years before dying. His family and friends were at his bedside when he passed away.

Levi was supposed to be enjoying his early teenage years when he was suddenly diagnosed with leukemia again.

Two years ago, his family rallied together to help him find a bone marrow transplant. This type of treatment involves using blood stem cells.

To help the Tracy family during this difficult time, his friends launched a GoFundMe campaign.

The goal of the fund was to help the family with their various expenses. Through the donations, the campaign was able to raise over $20,000.

It also revealed the many procedures that Levi had to go through during his illness.

Even though the support was helping, Levi’s condition was worsening due to his ongoing infection.

On Wednesday, an update revealed that he had chosen to go into a coma. His condition had reportedly worsened and he was in need of rest.

His family had planned to have him on life support for several days to give his body a rest.

Levi’s father posted a heartbreaking update about five days later. He said that the day had never been meant to come.

He then announced that his son had passed away. He was surrounded by his friends Nikita and Nikki.

Due to his ongoing illness, his lungs could no longer cope, and his blood pressure had started to drop.

The infection that was causing his condition to worsen was the cause of his death. He had fought a huge battle, but the mountain just got too much for him.

Levi was referred to as a Champion by the ICU team due to how he pushed himself to the limit.

Mark asked his many fans to continue supporting the family on their Facebook page. They plan to transition it into a page that will honor his legacy and life.

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