Monday, September 23

An Australian woman named Rebecca Ode was injured in Bali earlier this week. She was taken to a hospital after suffering a shoulder and head injury.

She underwent several medical procedures to save her eye and stop bleeding in her brain.

Her family in Newcastle learned about the accident from a call they received on Tuesday morning.

Her brother-in-law said the caller, who identified himself as a friend of Rebecca’s, told them that she had been in a tragic accident.

She was then transferred to a medical facility in Denpasar.

Her sister and mother traveled to Bali to be with her.

They still don’t know what happened to cause the accident, but they believe it could have been a hit-and-run.

Jordyn, her sister, said Rebecca is a beautiful person who deserves everything.

Rebecca moved to Bali in January following the death of her father.

Due to the high cost of the hospital, her family is now in desperate need of her return.

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