The Today show has a new co-host following the departure of Brooke Boney. She announced in March that she was quitting her job as a TV presenter to pursue a degree in the UK.

Today’s current Weekend Today co-host, Jayne Azzopardi, will take over as the show’s news anchor on weekdays.

Also, celebrity interviewer, Renée Bargh, will join the show’s breakfast program alongside Richard Wilkins.

Steven Burling, the director of Nine’s morning television division, announced the appointment of Azzopardi to the Today show’s news anchor position on Tuesday. He noted that she has a lot of experience covering politics and major events in Australia.

Bargh, who previously worked for Channel Nine, will be covering the entertainment segment of the show with Richard Wilkins.

She will be joining Today from her previous job as a correspondent for Extra in LA. “We’re very excited to have Renée and Jayne on board,” said Steven Burling.

In April last year, Azzopardi replaced Clint Stanaway as the Weekend Today co-host.

The appointments were made following the departure of Charles Croucher and Belinda Russell. The latter was then promoted to the role of political editor.

In addition, Boney is currently taking up a place at Oxford University.

The Olympics will be broadcasted on Nine from July 26 to August 11. She revealed on-air in March that she will be leaving the Today show after the event.

Although she would like to thank everyone for their support, she noted that she would be leaving the show soon.

It has been a lifelong aspiration of mine to pursue a degree in an overseas country. I believe it is the right time for me to leave Today.

The network is yet to provide an official statement regarding Boney’s last day on-air.

Meanwhile, a number of Nine’s top talent will be traveling to Paris to cover the Olympic Games in 2024.

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