A heartbreaking incident has shaken the community in Western Australia, where a couple drowned while trying to rescue their daughter from a dangerous rip at a popular beach on Saturday.
A Christmas Holiday Turns to Tragedy
Dr. Mohammad Swapan, 44, and Sabrina Ahmed, 40, were on a Christmas holiday with their two daughters at a remote beach on Conspicuous Cliff near Walpole, Western Australia.
The family’s joyous celebration turned to tragedy when their daughter got caught in a rip, and the couple jumped in to save her.
Heroic Efforts in Vain
A friend of the couple, a 42-year-old man, also jumped into the water to help rescue the struggling family. Despite the efforts of the friend and bystanders, the couple couldn’t be revived. The friend was resuscitated and taken to the hospital, where he remains.
A Devastating Loss for the Community
The Bangladeshi community in Perth has been left reeling from the loss of the respected couple. Friend and colleague Ruhul Salim described them as “loved by everyone” and said they would be “seriously” missed.
A Growing Concern: Drowning Deaths on the Rise
According to Royal Life Saving Australia data, the number of drownings has spiked this year, with 14 deaths in the first three weeks of summer – higher than the same period in 2023. The current death rate is 20 per cent higher than the five-year average. The data also shows that more than 80 per cent of drowning victims are men and more than 80 per cent were not born in Australia.
Stay Safe at the Beach
As the summer season continues, it’s essential to be aware of the dangers of rip currents and take necessary precautions when swimming at the beach. Rivers and creeks account for a quarter of all drownings, while about 20 per cent occur at Australian beaches.