A devastating accident has claimed the life of an 18-year-old boy on the northern Gold Coast. Manaia Tither-Asiata was using a rope swing off a steep rock on the embankment of the Coomera River when he fell approximately 15m to his death.
A Fun Day Turns Tragic
Manaia was enjoying a day out with friends and family at the river when the incident occurred around 6:40 pm on Sunday. Despite paramedics’ best efforts, he suffered critical head, chest, and pelvic injuries and was pronounced dead at the scene.
Remembering a Bright Young Life
Manaia was a recent graduate of the Men of Business Academy on the Gold Coast, a secondary college that provides mentorship and education to young men from disadvantaged backgrounds. His community is heartbroken, remembering him as a strong leader and budding musician who inspired those around him.
“I think he was an angel that was taken from us too early,” said Marco Renai, founder of Men of Business Academy.
Tributes Pour In
Tributes have been left at the scene of the accident, with friends and family mourning the loss of a bright young life. Acting Superintendent Jason Tuffley described the event as “very sad” and urged people to take care when participating in outdoor activities over the summer months.
“It’s very sad, especially if it occurred in front of family and friends,” Acting Superintendent Tuffley said. “It would be a very tragic event to witness and no one would want to see such a thing.”
Investigation Underway
A report will be prepared for the coroner, and Acting Superintendent Tuffley said it’s unclear whether alcohol was involved in the incident.