Dramatic Scene Unfolds at Manning Base Hospital In a shocking incident today, police were forced to fatally shoot a man who allegedly threatened officers with a firearm outside Manning Base Hospital in Taree, NSW.
The situation began when locals reported a man firing shots into the air in nearby Wingham, sending the community into high alert.
How Did the Incident Unfold?
The drama started in Wingham’s Rouse Street, about 10km from Taree, where witnesses saw a man randomly firing shots skyward.
Police quickly launched a search operation, eventually tracking the suspect to Manning Base Hospital’s parking lot around 12:55pm.
The Fatal Confrontation
Things took a deadly turn when the suspect, believed to be in his 30s, allegedly pointed his weapon at police officers. In response to the immediate threat, police opened fire. Despite immediate medical attention from both officers and paramedics on scene, the man sadly didn’t survive.
What We Know About the Suspect
• Man in his 30s • Identity still under investigation
• No other injuries reported
• No clear motive established yet
What Happens Next?
A critical incident investigation is now underway to examine all aspects of this tragic event. An independent review will also take place to ensure proper protocols were followed.
The incident has left the Mid North Coast community shaken, with local authorities working to piece together the events leading up to this tragic outcome. We’ll continue to update this story as more details emerge.