A shocking incident unfolded in Parramatta early Thursday morning when a 39-year-old woman fell to her death from the seventh floor of an apartment block. The woman was spotted hanging from the balcony just moments before her fatal plunge, leaving eyewitnesses and authorities stunned.
The Desperate Call for Help
Police were first alerted to a situation at the apartment block after a mysterious “ghost call” was made to Triple-0 at 11:45 pm on Wednesday. Although the caller didn’t speak, raised voices could be heard in the background, prompting police to attempt to re-establish contact.
However, it wasn’t until 11:47 pm that officers from Parramatta Police Area Command were able to speak with a man who provided his address and other details.
Delayed Response Raises Questions
The police response was delayed due to other priority calls, and it wasn’t until almost two hours later, at 1:40 am, that authorities arrived at the scene. By then, it was too late – the woman had already fallen to her death. Superintendent Barry Vincent acknowledged that the decision-making process and timing of the response would be reviewed as part of the investigation.
Investigation Underway
A 40-year-old man, known to the woman, is currently being interviewed by police. The man had an active Apprehended Violence Order (AVO) protecting him, although the details of the order are unclear. Police are also canvassing the unit block, speaking with witnesses, and conducting a forensic examination of the residence. A strike force has been formed to investigate the incident, and authorities are urging anyone with information to come forward.
A Witness’s Desperate Call
Just moments before the woman’s death, a member of the public witnessed the emergency unfolding and made a desperate call to Triple-0. Police arrived shortly after, but despite their best efforts, the woman could not be saved. Superintendent Vincent appealed to the public for any information that may aid the investigation, saying, “How she came to be there is a key factor, and that’s why we continue to call for any members of the public or within the unit block that may have information to call Crime Stoppers.”
The incident has left the community in shock, and authorities are working to piece together the events leading up to the tragedy. As the investigation continues, police are urging anyone with information to come forward and help bring closure to the victim’s loved ones.