A devastating incident has shaken the community near the New South Wales-Victorian border, where a 4-year-old boy with autism, Dakiri, was struck by a car in an alleged hit-and-run.
The young boy, who is non-verbal, suffered serious injuries and is currently fighting for his life.
A Desperate Search for Justice
The incident occurred on Dick Road in Lavington, near Albury, at 7am on Friday. Police allege that the vehicle fled the scene after the collision, leaving Dakiri with a suspected head injury.
Paramedics rushed to the scene and provided treatment before transporting him to Albury Hospital. He was later flown to the Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne, where he remains in a critical condition.
A Community Rallies Around the Family
A family friend, Fiona Kane, has launched a GoFundMe page to raise money for Dakiri’s mother, Ricki Hullick, who is staying in Melbourne while her son receives treatment.
The fundraiser has already raised over $2,000, with the goal of helping the family cover accommodation, food, fuel, and living expenses while they are in Melbourne.
Investigation Underway
Police are investigating the incident and have seized a repainted Holden Commodore on Saturday.
The vehicle is believed to have been fitted with fake Victorian registration plates and had damage to the front passenger side.
Police are urging anyone with dashcam footage of a white ute seen traveling in the area between 7am and 7.15am on Friday to come forward and contact local police or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.
A Plea for Help
The community is rallying around the family, and a plea has been made for anyone who can help to donate to the GoFundMe page.
With Dakiri’s mother facing a long and uncertain road ahead, any support would be greatly appreciated. As the investigation continues, our thoughts are with Dakiri and his family during this incredibly difficult time.