A devastating incident occurred in Ulverstone, leaving a community in shock. A 55-year-old woman lost her life after being involved in an incident with a vehicle.
The tragic event took place at the intersection of Victoria and Reibey Streets, where police and emergency services were called to the scene at around 6am.
What Happened
According to initial reports, the woman had stepped out of her Ford Territory when it started rolling. Despite receiving medical attention, she sadly passed away at the scene.
The police are currently investigating the circumstances surrounding the incident and preparing a report for the Coroner.
Investigation Underway
The authorities have confirmed that there are no suspicious circumstances surrounding the incident.
However, they are urging anyone who may have witnessed the vehicle in the area around the time of the incident to come forward.
If you have any information, you can contact Ulverstone Police on 131 444, quoting reference OR763989.
A Community in Mourning
Our thoughts are with the woman’s family and loved ones during this difficult time.
The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of road safety and the need for vigilance when operating vehicles.
As the community comes to terms with this tragic loss, we will continue to provide updates on the investigation as more information becomes available.