A devastating incident has shaken a community after an 8-year-old boy was fatally attacked by two loose dogs.
The attack happened on Monday evening, and despite efforts to save him, the boy sadly passed away.
A Desperate Fight for Life
Nearby residents sprang into action, administering CPR to the boy and calling emergency. Unfortunately, their efforts were not enough to save him.
The bravery and quick thinking of these residents are a testament to the power of community, but it’s heartbreaking that it wasn’t enough to prevent this tragic outcome.
The Aftermath
The dogs, one a pit bull and the other a mixed breed, have been captured and are being held by Animal Services.
An investigation is underway to determine the circumstances surrounding the attack. As the community struggles to come to terms with what happened, officials are working to understand how this could have occurred.
A Message of Condolence
Police expressed his deepest sympathies to the boy’s family, saying, “I don’t know what anyone can say to ease the immense pain this family is feeling tonight.
This is a tragedy beyond comprehension, especially for those of us who are parents and grandparents.”
Our thoughts are with the family and loved ones of the young boy who lost his life in this senseless tragedy.