A devastating turn of events has unfolded in Vietnam, where a British woman, Greta Marie Otteson, and her South African fiancé, Arno Quinton Els, were found dead at a villa in Hoi An last month.
According to reports from the family, the couple’s deaths were caused by methanol poisoning, likely from consuming tainted “homemade” limoncello purchased from a local restaurant on Christmas Eve.
A Loving Couple with Their Life Ahead of Them
Greta and Arno, who had gotten engaged just three weeks before their tragic deaths, were described by Greta’s parents, Susan and Paul, as “a loving couple with their life ahead of them.”
The couple had moved to Vietnam in February 2024 and had taken out a lease on a nine-bedroom guesthouse, where they were hosting guests. They were experienced travelers who had found their perfect home in Vietnam and were planning for the future.
The Cause of Death: Methanol Poisoning
Vietnamese police have confirmed that the cause of death was methanol poisoning, as verified by autopsy results.
The couple had reportedly consumed tainted limoncello from a local restaurant on Christmas Eve, which is believed to have contained methanol.
Several empty alcohol bottles were found at the scene, and initial findings showed no signs of scratches or external force on the bodies.
A Fight for Justice
Greta’s parents, Susan and Paul, have vowed to bring the people who supplied the alcohol and killed their daughter and her fiancé to justice. In a statement, they said, “The tributes we have had from around the world are unbelievable.
Our aim is to bring the people who supplied the alcohol and killed Greta and Arno to justice.” The family has returned to their home in Bahrain with the couple’s ashes after attending their cremation in Vietnam.
A Similar Incident in Laos
This incident is not isolated, as six tourists, including an American man, died in Laos in November 2024 after drinking alcohol suspected to be tainted with methanol.
The incident highlights the importance of being cautious when consuming alcohol, especially when traveling abroad.
Who Were Greta and Arno?
Greta Marie Otteson, 33, was the founder and social media manager of a company called Not Sorry Socials, while Arno Quinton Els, 36, was a stand-up comedian.
The couple had met in the Middle East before moving to Vietnam, where they were building a life together.
In a video posted on YouTube, the couple spoke about their engagement and their plans for the future, saying, “We’re just two people from opposite ends of the world, living in Asia, doing it together, which is quite precious.”
The tragic death of Greta and Arno serves as a reminder to be aware of the risks associated with consuming alcohol, especially when traveling abroad.
Their story has touched the hearts of people around the world, and their family’s fight for justice will hopefully bring about change and prevent similar incidents in the future.