Wednesday, September 25

According to Indian astrologer Kushal Kumar, the third world war will start on Tuesday, June 19.

He said that the planetary stimulus that triggers nuclear war is strongest on that day.

If it doesn’t happen, then don’t expect to feel relieved.

He added that the situation will get worse on June 29. He told The Daily Star that people will be watching as the world experiences a new phase of war.

According to Kumar, his predictions are based on the alignment of the stars and planets.

According to experts, Kumar was correct when he said that there will be various localised incidents, such as the attacks on Pakistan and India’s border, as well as the activities of North Korea and China.

However, skeptics noted that he made his prediction before revising it.

After ticking off June 10, Kumar doubled down on his prediction on June 18.

He said that the world should adopt a more serious approach to managing its situations due to planetary impacts.

He also noted that human error could cause a nuclear disaster.

Kumar is referred to as the “new Nostradamus” due to the French astrologer who made numerous predictions in his 1555 book, Les Propheties.

Many of these predictions were interpreted as incredibly accurate.

For instance, he accurately predicted the death of Queen Elizabeth II and the French Revolution.

Others believe that his book foreshadowed the Great Fire that burned London in 1666 and the rise of Nazism.

If you think that Kumar’s predictions are too fantastical, then you should consider the reality of the nuclear threat.

Last month, British Prime Minister Raj Sunak warned that the world was on the verge of nuclear war.

Sunak noted that the threat level was at its highest level since the Cuban Missile Crises of 1962.

Russian President Putin also warned that the West was pushing him to the brink of a nuclear confrontation.

He said that threatening to destroy his country’s nuclear weapons would be an act of extreme recklessness.

The head of the UK’s armed forces also noted that the world was on the verge of nuclear war.

However, he denied that it was imminent. Admiral Tony Radakin said on June 6 that the situation was more dangerous than it had been in the past couple of decades.

According to Admiral Tony Radakin, there was an overmatch between the strength of the Western alliance and Russia.

He said that Russia was failing in its confrontation with Ukraine.

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