Tuesday, September 24

For the past five years, Jack and Amy Bell have been traveling across Australia with their three kids. The couple from Queensland have no plans of stopping anytime soon.

They have already covered 150,000 kilometers in their trip, and they’re planning on continuing to explore the country with their kids, Ralph, 3, Henry, 5, and Elsie, 7.

The couple decided to sell their home to fund their trip. Jack, who is 31, also started a shopfitting business while Amy, who is 30, manages the kids while they’re traveling.

According to Amy, living on the road has become more affordable for them than having a permanent home.

Before they traveled, Jack worked as a shopfitter, while Amy was a teacher’s aide.

They decided to hit the road to explore their own backyard as they wanted to get away from their busy lives.

Amy noted that they had been managing their mortgage since they were 18 years old.

They decided to sell their home on the Gold Coast and use the money to buy a mobile home.

Amy noted that they also stored an investment property in the city of Brisbane as their back-up plan.

Since they started traveling across Australia, they have covered more than 150,000 kilometers.

The Bell family initially struggled with the idea of downsizing. Amy said that it took them some time to adjust to living in a mobile home.

They eventually decided to permanently live on the road after they finished their trip across Australia.

Amy noted that budgeting can be challenging due to the varying weeks that the family has.

Some weeks, they spend most of their time working and only have minimal expenditures.

On the other hand, some weeks, they travel extensively and have stops along the way to explore.

Despite these obstacles, the family has managed to overcome them.

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