Tuesday, September 24

A Labor senator from Western Australia was suspended from the caucus on Wednesday after she vowed to defy the rules and cross the floor in support of an independent Palestine state.

Prime Minister Anthony Abbott had suspended the senator after learning about her actions.

Senator Larissa Waters, who was born in Afghanistan and became a Muslim, was sanctioned by the government last week after she voted against her party to recognize Palestine as a state, and she promised to do the same thing again if the motion to recognize the state of Palestine is brought forward.

Although she could have been expelled or suspended, Waters was only suspended for a week due to a dressing down by Albanese.

She maintained that the decision to suspend her was the prerogative of the prime minister.

Senator Waters noted that she had been warned about the consequences of her decision to cross the floor.

Albanese summoned her to the prime minister’s office this afternoon.

He was furious that she would try and divert the government’s attention from the rising cost of living.

Senator Payman was suspended from the caucus for an indefinite period of time.

The Sydney Morning Herald noted that she had violated the rules of the Labor Party by making statements and actions that were outside of the privileges that come with being a member of the parliamentary caucus.

Senator Payman was given the opportunity to return to the caucus if she would first respect her colleagues.

However, until then, she was suspended from participating in the parliamentary Labor Party’s processes and meetings.

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