Tuesday, September 24

The odd friendship between a staffy and a magpie has been making headlines recently.

A new complaint has prompted authorities to threaten to break up the bond between Peggy, a Staffordshire bull terrier, and Molly, a magpie residing on the Gold Coast with Reece Mortensen and Juliette Wells.

The bird became part of the family after it was acquired by the couple.

It quickly became friends with Peggy, the family’s pet dog. In March, Mr Mortensen and Ms Wells had to surrender Molly to be kept in captivity.

However, their situation quickly changed after the uproar.

The pair were reunited and the couple was able to grant a special license to keep the bird.

Another complaint has prompted the Queensland government to take Mr. Mortensen’s license to care for Molly to court.

According to Ms Wells, Molly is thriving and is known for her barking and bossy behavior. Mr. Mortensen said that the bird’s well-being is their main concern.

According to Mr Mortensen, the couple just wanted to move on with their lives.

They don’t know who the person behind the complaint is, and they will not be commenting on the matter.

A spokesperson for the government department that handled the matter referred to the nature conservation act of 1992 as the reason for returning the magpie.


  1. Can’t it be seen that the bird is in good condition, not being harmed, and is happy!!

    Why is there always someone out there who has to make trouble where there is none? Get a life and mind your own business.

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