Wednesday, September 25

In an effort to reduce its use of single-use plastics, supermarket chain Coles, has announced that it will start offering customers the option to reuse cardboard boxes when buying fruits and vegetables.

These boxes will be available in its fresh produce section and in the checkout.

Matt Swindell, the group’s chief sustainability officer, said that the company wanted to provide its customers with more sustainable packaging options.

He noted that the trial offers an alternative to plastic bags for fresh produce.

The boxes are free to use for those who forget to bring their reusable bags with them.

A survey conducted by Coles revealed that many of its customers support the use of recyclable packaging.

Over 60% of the survey participants also think that the use of cardboard boxes is a positive step.

Rebecca Gilling, the chief executive officer of Planet Ark, said the initiative could encourage consumers to buy more fruits and vegetables.

The trial, which will last for eight weeks, will be conducted in five of the company’s stores across Australia.

One of the participating stores is the Coles Hilton in Fremantle.

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