A heartbreaking story has emerged from the Sunshine Coast, where a 17-year-old boy, Beau Liddell, lost his life trying to save a girl who had fallen from a waterfall at Wappa Falls near Yandina.
The incident occurred on Sunday at around 2:30 pm, and it’s left the local community in shock and grieving.
A Selfless Act of Bravery
Beau jumped into the water to search for the 17-year-old girl who had failed to resurface after falling from the waterfall. Unfortunately, he also failed to resurface, sparking a search and rescue operation.
The girl’s body was found at around 3:30 pm, and Beau’s body was recovered by divers several hours later.
A Community in Mourning
The Sunshine Coast community is coming together to pay tribute to the two young lives lost. Friends and family have taken to social media to share emotional messages, remembering Beau as a kind and caring person.
His sister, Skye, posted a heartfelt message, saying, “I miss you so badly, baby brother. You had the most caring and kind heart. I am so proud of you. I love you to the moon and back, forever and always.”
A Hero’s Legacy
Beau’s friends have also been sharing tributes, calling him a hero for his selfless act.
One friend wrote, “Words can’t describe how much I’m going to miss you, brother…
You left the world a hero, and you will never be forgotten, I love you my brother, fly high.” The outpouring of love and support is a testament to the impact Beau had on those around him.
Investigation Underway
The waterfall remains closed as police investigate the incident, and officers are preparing reports for the coroner.
Nicklin MP Marty Hunt has offered his condolences to the families of the two teenagers, saying, “Our hearts go out to the families of the two individuals who tragically lost their lives at the waterfall…
Two families are enduring unimaginable pain right now, and on behalf of the community, offer our deepest condolences during this time.”
Waterfall Safety Warning
Wappa Falls is a popular swimming spot, but it can be dangerous after heavy rain.
The upstream Wappa Dam is currently 101.8% full, and Seqwater had warned of increased outflows from the dam after heavy rainfall on Saturday.
The incident serves as a reminder to exercise caution when visiting waterfalls and swimming spots, especially during periods of heavy rain.