A devastating incident has shaken the community in Western Australia, where a 5-year-old boy lost his life after being crushed by a parking meter outside a museum.
The tragic accident occurred on January 16 at the Bunbury Museum and Heritage Centre, about 175km south of Perth.
What Happened?
The boy was playing in the courtyard of the museum when he was hit by a parking meter. He was rushed to the hospital in critical condition, where he unfortunately passed away.
The City of Bunbury has confirmed the news, expressing their deepest condolences to the family.
A Community in Mourning
The City of Bunbury has released a statement, saying “Our entire organisation is heartbroken and deeply saddened to learn of the passing of the young child involved in a tragic incident at a City facility last week.”
They have offered their support to the family and are working with authorities to investigate the incident.
Support for the Family and Staff
The City has also sent thoughts to their staff who witnessed the incident and provided immediate assistance.
The paramedics from St John Ambulance treated the child at the scene, and he was airlifted to Perth Children’s Hospital.
Museum Closure
As a mark of respect, the Bunbury Museum and Heritage Centre will be closed for another week.
The community is still reeling from the shock of the accident, and the City is urging everyone to come together to support the family during this difficult time.