Deborra-Lee Furness, the former wife of actor Hugh Jackman, has confirmed that the couple’s separation was caused by his alleged affair with a woman named Sutton Foster. On October 26, a gossip blogger posted a video on Instagram, which claimed that Jackman allegedly ran away with the mistress after leaving his wife. According to a report by Lustig, Foster and Jackman wanted to “soft-launch” their rumored affair during their time working together in the Broadway musical “The Music Man.” The rumors about their relationship first emerged during their time on the show. In the musical, a con artist named Harold…
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It has been revealed that the beloved Mars brand of chocolates has been removed from Australian stores. The iconic product was discontinued due to the company’s inability to keep up with the rising cost of production. A spokesperson for Mars told 2GB that the company was experiencing issues with the supply of its products due to the increasing cost of raw materials. The company had to make the difficult decision to end its Celebrations operations in Australia. Since it was first introduced in 1997, the chocolate mix has been a staple for various occasions, such as Christmas. Although it’s sad…
Erin’s husband, Alan Plummer, was found dead at the bottom of a cliff. He and the Australian TV personality had three children. His death was confirmed this week. It occurred two years after the former took her own life, and it marked a tragic end to her marriage. It was initially reported that Alan died at his home in Sydney on Saturday. But, on Sunday, a body was discovered at the bottom of Freshwater beach. A spokesperson for NSW Police told reporters that they were preparing a report regarding the death of 49-year old Alan. The incident was reported after…
A magnitude 4.0 earthquake was detected off the Western Australia coast. It occurred at around 10.45 am and was centered around 260 kilometers from Albany. According to Geoscience Australia, two people reported feeling the earthquake. One of them was in Augusta while the other was in Margaret River. More to come…
In a first in Australia, grocery giant Coles is testing the use of AI-powered trolleys that will allow customers to complete their purchases without having to go through the checkout process. The technology will be tested at one of its stores in Melbourne, which is called Coles Richmond Traders. The machines, which are being developed by a partnership between the company and US delivery firm Instacart, will have a digital screen that will show various products and allow customers to manage their budgets. They will also be able to accept payments using an in-built electronic payment terminal. The company noted…