Monday night’s episode of The Block took an unexpected turn when contestant Kylie Baker abruptly left the show following a confrontation with her husband, Brad, over his flirtation with fellow contestant Mimi. Kylie’s departure, leaving Brad to continue the competition alone, sparked speculation about the state of their marriage, which Brad later admitted was in trouble. The drama began on Saturday night when Mimi, a South Australian contestant competing with her husband Kristian, visited Brad and Kylie’s home to share a bottle of wine. During the visit, Brad and Kristian chatted while Kylie rested, and Brad acknowledged that his behavior…
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A tragic incident unfolded Tuesday afternoon in Melbourne’s inner east when a vehicle crashed into Auburn South Primary School in Hawthorn East, resulting in the death of one child and leaving several others injured. Emergency responders from Ambulance Victoria arrived on the scene at Tooronga Road after receiving reports of a white SUV colliding with the school fence around 2:30 p.m. The collision left an 11-year-old student in critical condition, who was immediately transported to the hospital but tragically succumbed to his injuries. Two other children—a ten-year-old boy and two 11-year-old girls—were also taken to the hospital with serious injuries.…
It’s no secret that Hugh Jackman’s ex-wife, Deborra Lee Furness, had suspicions about the actor’s relationship with Broadway actress Sutton Foster. According to reports, the 56-year-old actor is “in love” with the 49-year-old actress, who he worked with in the musical “The Music Man.” In December 2023, a magazine reported that Jackman was “romancing” the actress, who is known for her role in TV show “Younger.” The story was quickly followed by various rumors about the actor and Foster. The speculation about their relationship became even more intense after the former filed for a divorce from her husband, screenwriter Ted…
Mosaic Brands, a fashion retailer with over 2,700 employees in Australia, has entered into voluntary administration. The company is behind some of the country’s most popular retailers, such as Noni B and Rivers. On Monday, it appointed four administrators, including Kate Warwick, Vaughan Strawbridge, David McGrath, and Kathryn Evans. Following a recent downsizing, the company said it would like to “capitalize and invest” in five of its core brands. It had previously closed around 200 stores. In a statement, the company noted that it had been trying to restructure its operations, but the voluntary administration was the best option. Despite…
Peter Dutton questioned the arrangements involving Anthony Albanese, who was the opposition leader and transport minister, when he reportedly asked for free Qantas flights from Alan Joyce, the company’s CEO. He noted that he didn’t recall other politicians requesting the same perks. The opposition is now seeking to raise questions about the relationship between the Labor government and Qantas, which was highlighted by the former CEO’s controversial behavior. Dutton noted that if an individual is the minister for transport, then they should not be asking for free flights. Details about the incident emerged in the book “The Chairman’s Lounge,” which…