The 72-year-old actor Liam Neeson said in an interview with People that he doesn’t know how much longer he’ll be able to continue playing the physically demanding roles that he’s known for. He noted that he’ll most likely retire next year. Liam Neeson has been known for his intense fight scenes, and although he still does his own stunts, he allows Mark Vanselow, his long-time partner, to carry out more extensive action sequences for him. Vanselow has worked with him in numerous films, such as The A-Team, Cold Pursuit, Run All Night, and The Commuter. From the 1970s to the…
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During an interview on Today, Karl Stefanovic referred to Lidia Thorpe, a Victorian Senator, as the most hated woman in parliament. She said it was time for King Charles III to be removed from Australia’s head of state position. The Channel 9 host noted that her controversial decision to confront the monarch was not gaining much support. This comes after it was revealed that Lidia Thorpe had reportedly sworn an oath to the Queen’s hairs instead of her heirs. Karl Stefanovic called Lidia Thorpe, a senator, the most hated woman in parliament during an interview on Today. She said that…
Andrew Reid, a lifeguard on the reality TV show Bondi Rescue, has denied domestic violence charges. He was accused of assaulting a couple of people on Sydney’s North Shore in November 2022 and early 2024. Reid was charged with assault again in March, and a fourth count of domestic violence was withdrawn. He appeared in court and his lawyer stated that there were three very different allegations, and they could be explained by an accident. This comes after he was commended for helping the victims of a violent incident that occurred at Bondi Junction in April. According to the Herald,…
A powerful cold front and a warm northerly airstream are expected to combine to create wild weather conditions in the Southeast of the country in the next couple of days. Meteorologists predict that these conditions will include gales, rain, and severe thunderstorms. The first state to experience these conditions was Western Australia, where severe storms hit on Wednesday. Today, the system will move across South Australia before it crosses into NSW and Victoria on Friday. Meanwhile, a low-pressure system will bring rain to Tasmania. Parts of southern South Australia and western Victoria, which are still reeling from the effects of…
A woman was taken into custody after an alleged attack on a baby at a Perth shopping center. The incident occurred at around 1:25 pm on Tuesday. According to the police, a woman assaulted the child before leaving the area. The mother was holding her baby at the time of the incident. The police noted that the woman was not acquainted with the mother of the child. Although the child suffered facial injuries, it wasn’t seriously hurt during the incident. The police then released an urgent appeal for information about the incident on Wednesday morning. A few hours later, a…