On Wednesday, world number one tennis player Novak Djokovic revealed that he and Goran Ivanisevic are separating. The former Croatian player joined Djokovic’s coaching team in 2019 as a part of their preparations for the upcoming Wimbledon. Although they had some ups and down moments, they were able to make a huge impact. Their relationship lasted for five years, during which time they won a total of 12 grand slam titles. They managed to stay together through various dark moments in Djokovic’s life. It came two years after he split from Marian Vajda, who had been his coach for 14…
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The debate on ABC’s Q+A program this week was about the Greens’ plan to limit capital gains and negative gearing taxes. Ann-Maree Eastman questioned the panel about how politicians can keep changing the rules about how to claim business expenses. Ann-Maree said she and her husband Phillip own four properties. She said she felt guilty about being a landlord because of how people are being treated when it comes to property ownership. She asked the panel why landlords are being put in the same bracket. Max Chandler-Mather, the housing spokesperson for the Greens, said the current system is unfair. He…
There has been a dramatic twist in the story of a magpie that forged an unlikely friendship with two Staffordshire bull terriers in Queensland. Molly was taken in by Gold Coast couple Juliette Wells and Reece Mortensen who care for her but do not cage her or force her to stay inside. They document the bird’s relationship with their dog Peggy and Peggy’s daughter Ruby on Instagram, where their page has more than 700,000 followers. But there was a public outcry when Molly was seized by the Department of Environment and Innovation (DESI) amid allegations that the bird was being…
A woman, who is 37 years old, said her life has become a nightmare after she was trolled online for revealing she was single and didn’t have kids. Emily Hart has a following on social media for documenting her life as a solo traveler. Despite being happy with her life on the road, she was targeted by online users for revealing she was single. The individuals who bombarded Ms. Hart’s post claimed that she deluded herself into thinking that she was happy. In a statement shared by Today.com, she wrote that she woke up to find hundreds of hateful comments…
Celebrity Abby Hensel, who appeared on the TLC show “Conjoined Twins,” secretly married Josh Bowling in 2021, it was reported. According to documents obtained by the Today show, the couple got married in 2021. When she was born in 1990, Abby and her twin sister had two heads, two hearts, and two sets of lungs. They have amazing coordination, and each of them controls half of their body. Recently, a TikTok account known as @abbyandbrittanyhensel posted a video celebrating Abby’s big day. The couple’s wedding took place in 2021. The girls wore a sleeveless dress, and the groom wore a…