Being jealous can lead to various sacrifices in a relationship, such as giving up on a night out with one’s friends or constantly assuring one’s partner that they are committed to their relationship.

Although most people would feel insecure and envious, Debbi Wood,  gained the dubious distinction of being the “world’s most jealous woman” due to her situation.

For safety, Debbi would check her husband’s various accounts and emails.

According to the Daily Mail, she also demanded that Steve take lie detector tests whenever he returned home.

The couple’s relationship started in 2011 after they were connected through Facebook.

She first made headlines in 2015 after she appeared on This Morning and confessed her problems.

She said she knew she and Steve were meant for each other when they first kissed under London Bridge.

She also told the Daily Mail that she didn’t want to fall in love again after her last relationship, but Steve stole her heart.

Their distance eventually became a hurdle that they had to overcome, and they decided to move in together.

Debbi’s doubts about her husband’s fidelity began to surface after she learned that he was seeing another woman.

Although he said that their distance didn’t affect their relationship, she questioned his ability to be faithful.

Their relationship continued to grow, and she started feeling envious of her husband.

To make sure that Steve was faithful, she took various measures, such as blocking his laptop with child-proof filters.

Her behavior became even more extreme after she bought a lie detector online, which she then administered to him whenever he went out.

She was eventually diagnosed with a delusional disorder known as Othello Syndrome.

This condition, which is named after Shakespeare’s play of the same name, is characterized by an intense belief that one’s partner is having an affair.

It can manifest in various behaviors such as violent and possessive behavior.

In September 2013, Debbi took anti-anxiety medication after she was diagnosed with bipolar disorder.

Despite the challenges she faced, she is still grateful for Steve’s support. She said that he has stood by her during her difficult times.

She believes that many women silently suffer from mental disorders due to the expectations that society places on them. Despite her issues, Debbi says that she and Steve are still committed to finding solutions to their problems.

He said that although he sometimes feels envious of his wife, it won’t affect their relationship.

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