A spokesperson for Commonwealth Bank said that its services have been restored following an outage that affected its Netbank website and some of its customers.

The issues started at around 9 pm on Tuesday.

Customers who tried to use the bank’s website were greeted with a message that said that they were working on a fix.

In response, the bank said that it was aware that some of its customers were experiencing issues with its services.

It noted that it was working on the issue and that all its services were back online by around 7 am.

In a statement posted on its social media page, the bank said that its services had been restored.

However, it noted that some of its customers might still experience delays in payments.

The bank, which is Australia’s largest, said that it had been able to keep its ATMs and cash withdrawals operational during the outage.

The bank noted that its credit and debit card services were still functional.

However, some of its customers might have experienced delays in payments.

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