Kids and restaurants often don’t mix well. The idea of spending an hour in a restaurant without being able to run around and explore is not appealing to many kids, and this can result in them misbehaving or creating a disturbance in the surroundings.

A restaurant recently came up with a solution to this issue by offering a special discount to the parents of kids who behave well. The picture of the restaurant’s bill went viral, and the idea sparked a debate on social media.

While some people supported the initiative, others pointed out the unpredictable nature of children’s behavior. One of the supporters of the initiative noted that there are parents who let their kids run wild in restaurants, causing a disturbance and even throwing objects around. A 10 percent fee would be added to the bill if the kid misbehaves.

One suggested giving the parents a carrot and a stick to encourage them to behave properly. A mother said she used to take her kids out of the restaurant so that everyone could eat together peacefully whenever one of them misbehaved.

Back then, most parents would also give their kids a discount. Others noted that it’s not rare nowadays for people to offer a discount to encourage good behavior. However, some parents said that customers should try to understand the kids’ behavior instead of expecting perfection.

Some people, however, said that it’s very stupid for a restaurant to offer a discount on the basis of a well-behaved child. Kids are human beings, just like everyone else, and they don’t always behave well.

One person called it ridiculous that a restaurant would require a person to make a decision on every table with kids in it unless it’s a guarantee that they will return. Others said that the term “well-behaved” should be defined clearly. This could cause a headache for the restaurant’s waitstaff when the parents disagree with the term.

A social media user stated that she wanted to see a lady ask for a discount due to how her children behaved. Others said they could see how this could cause problems, though some people praised the idea.

A different social media user stated that it’s sad that parents need to be incentivized to ensure that their kids behave properly.

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