In a statement, Michael Murphy, the husband of Samantha Murphy, said that he is still struggling to come to terms with the loss of his wife, who was a loyal and kind individual.

He noted that their wedding anniversary would have been the couple’s most significant event.

He broke down in a statement, saying that the pain he felt was unbearable and that it was hard to believe that someone so good had gone.

His wife’s body has not been found since she went missing during a morning jog three months ago.

He described her as a smart and caring individual who would always help others.

Mr Murphy said that people would not hear negative things about his wife, who was known for being a caring and smart individual.

He added that it was hard to see her go missing, as she was a good mother who always provided for others. Ms Murphy, who was 51 years old at that time, was last seen leaving her home in Ballarat at around 7am on February 4.

The police believe that Ms Murphy was killed on the same day. Her body has not yet been recovered.

On Friday, officers went to a state park in the hopes of finding her remains. They were told to search a section of the park after receiving new intelligence.

According to Mr Murphy, his wife functioned like a clockwork type of person, which is why he knew something was not right when she didn’t return home after leaving for work.

After calling her mobile phone, he immediately reported the matter to the police. A few months later, he stated that he had not stopped looking for his wife.

On the day of her disappearance, Mr Murphy was outside and thought that he would see his wife soon. However, he didn’t see her as soon as he expected. He then asked his children if their mother had come home. He would search the area around town or go on a walk in the pine plantation in an effort to find his wife.

He said that going for drives or going for a walk for a couple of hours can help improve his mind. He also said that he would not do anything to help himself if he were to sit at home. Since his wife has not been found, he will continue searching until her body is recovered.

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