In the upcoming budget, welfare recipients will receive an increase in their Centrelink payments.

According to Jim Chalmers, the Treasurer, additional measures will be introduced to help those who rely on social security benefits.

Pressure has been mounting on Chalmers to make an “extensive” increase to the weekly unemployment benefit, which is around $55 a day.

On Tuesday, Chalmers revealed that the government would implement some of the recommendations made by the EIAC.

One of these is increasing JobSeeker’s eligibility to 90 percent, which would result in an increase in the weekly payment for those receiving the pension by around $121.

Chalmers noted that the government would not hesitate to implement the recommendations of the EIAC, but it would also not be able to afford to do so all at the same time.

Although the body had 22 recommendations, the treasurer would not provide a list of which would be implemented, saying that future directions would require an announcement.

In some cases, the government would be more cautious in implementing the recommendations due to the budget situation.

However, he noted that the government was still committed to helping the most vulnerable individuals.

In the previous year’s budget the government increased the weekly payment for JobSeeker by $40.

Katy Gallagher, the Finance Minister, indicated on Sunday that rent assistance could be on the cards again.

This would be part of the government’s broader strategy to address the issue of economic insecurity among women.

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