A man from the Australian capital region of Canberra had a blood-alcohol level that was considered to be almost fatal during a breath test on Saturday.

According to the police, the driver of a Toyota Corolla was pulled over in the early hours of June 1, 2024 after officers spotted him driving erratically in the city of Strathnairn.

The man, who was 36 years old, was breath-tested and recorded a blood-alcohol level of 0.443.

He was issued with a 90-day suspension notice. The police noted that impaired driving is one of the leading causes of road fatalities.

The statement also urged people not to drive if they have been drinking.

According to the Drug and Alcohol Advisory Service, a blood-alcohol concentration of 0.4 is considered lethal, and it can cause people to be at risk of dying or going into a coma.

Early signs of intoxication include slurred speech, memory loss, and severe nausea.

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