An Australian dad who was stressed out by his job decided to quit and pursue a YouTube career.

His in-laws, who didn’t approve of his decision, pulled his wife away from him.

Mark Valencia, a Queenslander, said they thought he was a loser and had been neglecting his responsibilities.

Over the years, he became known for his gardening advice, and his kids have started eating organic food.

He told reporters that his family is now happier than before, and he’s earning more than he used to.

He said his family is very proud of him, and they even watch his YouTube videos on their televisions.

Although his in-laws had doubts about his YouTube career, they were happy to see him succeed.

Five years after he started his page on the platform, a friend asked him how much he had earned.

He said that he had made $2 recently, and the woman laughed. His wife, Nina, then suggested that the person was rude.

Mark was not disappointed, and he was still confident that he could make a name for himself on YouTube.

It had seemed like he had been toiling away for a long time.

He thought that he could make a living from YouTube by simply making $2 and getting more content out.

He decided to turn his modest earnings into a family business, and his sons are now working for him.

Mark’s channel has over two million viewers, and his most popular video, which is about burying scraps, has over 11 million views.

He is one of the most prominent content creators in Australia on social media, but he has received little media attention.

There is no real way to say how much Mark is making, but a simple search on social media analytics website reveals an estimate of around $180,000 a year.

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