Tuesday, September 24

A woman was baffled by the appearance of a large hole on a beach on the Gold Coast, Queensland, during her morning walk. Carolyn Evans was only a couple of meters away from the hole, which appeared to be bubbling with water.

Due to safety concerns, she immediately contacted the local council.

She posted a message on her Facebook page describing her disbelief at the appearance of the hole, which she said she had never seen before.

She then contacted Darren Taylor, her local councillor, to let him know about the incident.

According to a spokesperson for the City of Gold Coast, the hole was caused by ongoing works.

The sand pass system, which is designed to protect the northern beaches of the Gold Coast from erosion, is currently in its testing phase.

During a test on Tuesday, a small leak was discovered in the system, which was immediately identified and repaired.

The spokeserson noted that the affected area was re-filled with sand.

The system’s testing is expected to continue until the end of this week.

The first sand pumping campaign is scheduled to start next week.

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