Wednesday, September 18

In an Instagram post, Jimmy Barnes revealed that he was forced to pull out of his Cold Chisel reunion show due to his recent surgery.

The 68-year-old noted that he’s not allowed to leave his home at the moment.

He also expressed his sadness at not being able to perform at the upcoming Stranded festival in the Maldives.

In the video, Barnes revealed that he was unable to join his family in the Maldives due to his health condition.

However, he noted that his relatives will still be there to support him.

Some of them include Jon Stevens and Mahalia.

While he was recovering, Barnes said that he was enjoying a party at home.

He noted that if he wasn’t being tethered to a drip, he would be able to go swimming and performing songs on the beach.

His fans and friends wished him well and expressed their love for him.

One of them even said that he’ll be back soon.

While he’ll be missed, Barnes is doing the right thing and is taking the necessary steps to recover from his hip injury.

His fans have urged him to continue to listen to the doctor’s orders and get back to his best.

He was forced to cancel his tour dates in New Zealand due to his condition.

Barnes revealed the bad news in an Instagram post.

He said that he got a hip injury while he was in Dunedin.

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