Friday, September 20

This season’s teams have been going through a lot of drama on The Block, and one of them decided to quit the show on Monday’s episode.

The team that was eliminated was Young WA’s Jesse and Paige, who have been having a hard time dealing with each other since the beginning of the show.

Tensions in the relationship between Paige and her electrician partner grew during a late-night fight, which was captured on tape and played during the start of the show’s Monday episode.

During the heated exchange, she told him that their relationship was not good.

During the fight, she also threatened to leave the show. After the couple’s voices could be heard throughout The Block, Justin Sturzaker, the show’s executive producer, tried to intervene.

He noted that this wasn’t the first time they had been recorded arguing at length.

He then asked Paige if she had contacted the show’s counseling services to seek help for her relationship.

He suggested that she speak with other people instead of just to Jesse, as they both need to make a decision.

After meeting with a health specialist over the weekend, Jesse and Paige decided that they would like to quit the show immediately.

They told the other teams about their decision during a gathering on Monday morning. According to Jesse, he had been hiding his feelings for Paige in order to keep them on the show.

Paige described her feelings about the situation as a black hole in her head. During an interview, Mimi, one of the contestants, said that they were going through a tough time.

Scott Cam was then asked to give them a final goodbye.

He told the couple that they needed to get away from the show to take care of themselves.

He then told the remaining contestants that they would be receiving new information about the future of their unfinished home.

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