Thursday, September 19

A seven-metre-high banner was erected to block Sydney Harbour’s prized views after more than 300 trees were illegally removed and killed in NSW.

The Longueville City Council said the act was the worst environmental vandalism they had ever seen.

The banner displayed by the mayor of Lane Cove shows that the community does not tolerate the illegal destruction of trees, and it will prevent the harbour from developing an advantageous outlook.

Scott Bennison stated that it sends a strong message that the community will not tolerate such activities.

It is offensive to see people disregarding the natural environment for the sake of a grand view of Sydney Harbour. According to Dr. Gregory Moore, the issue goes beyond the Harbour Bridge.

He noted that tree vandalism is a growing problem in the country, and authorities are taking action against those involved.

However, many of those who are caught committing this crime are fined rather than prosecuted.

According to Moore, the fine for tree vandalism can range from a few thousand dollars up to tens of thousands of dollars, which is typically not enough to deter individuals.

He said that the damage caused by this issue can have a negative effect on the natural environment and endanger people.

Moore noted that the illegal removal of trees has been happening for decades and centuries, and it is taking away from the natural environment’s ability to maintain a healthy environment.

In NSW, the fines for tree vandalism can be as high as $3,000 for individuals or $6,000 for companies.

Lane Cove’s mayor joined other officials in supporting harsher penalties for those involved in illegal activities. Bennison stated that they would like to see changes that will make people think twice before committing such crimes.

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