Monday, September 23

Magnitude 3.0 Earthquake Shakes NSW Hunter Region

The NSW Hunter region was jolted by a magnitude 3.0 earthquake on Monday afternoon. Occurring at a depth of just one kilometer, the tremor was felt across multiple areas.

Residents Report Feeling the Tremor

Muswellbrook and other nearby regions experienced the earthquake, with several residents reporting the shaking. By 4:20 pm, Geoscience Australia confirmed 28 reports from individuals who felt the quake.

Recent Earthquakes in the Area

This event comes just weeks after a stronger 4.5 magnitude earthquake struck Eddenton, located five kilometers deep. The region has been prone to seismic activity over the past year.

Power Outages Across the Region

In addition to the earthquake’s impact, approximately 2,500 homes lost power as a result of the tremor. Residents from Wollongong to Forster reported feeling the ground shaking.

Muswellbrook Mayor Reacts

Steven Reynolds, the mayor of Muswellbrook, described his personal experience with the quake. He initially thought the roof of his house was collapsing, and the intense shaking made him believe a bomb had gone off.


The NSW Hunter region was shaken by an earthquake of magnitude 3.0 on Monday afternoon. It occurred at a depth of one kilometer.

Residents from Muswellbrook, as well as other areas in the region, reported feeling the tremor.

According to Geoscience Australia, around 28 people reported feeling the earthquake by around 4.20 pm.

It occurred just weeks after a magnitude 4.5 earthquake hit the town of Eddenton, which was at a depth of about 5 kilometers.

According to Geoscience NSW, people from various areas, including Wollongong and Forster, felt the earthquake. About 2,500 homes lost power during the incident.

According to an report, this area has experienced several strong earthquakes in the past year.

According to Steven Reynolds, the mayor of Muswellbrook, he was sleeping when the house started to shake.

He said that he initially thought that the roof of his house was coming down.

“I thought it was a bomb going off, but then I realized it was nothing like what I had been experiencing in the mines,” he said.

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